20 Japanese Businesses Making The Most Expensive Products In The World | Business Insider

Foot-stomped calligraphy ink from Nara will set you back over $1,000.
Matsusaka wagyu from Mie Prefecture? A single cow once sold for about $400,000.

And say you’re in the market for a bonsai tree. Well, many of those are considered priceless. Japan is full of people who’ve dedicated their lives to perfecting their crafts. But the skills, resources, and time needed to create goods like these don’t come cheap.

Here’s why 20 Japanese products and delicacies are so expensive.

00:00:00 – Intro
00:00:45 – Chef’s Knives
00:10:31 – Calligraphy Ink
00:22:41 – Wagyu Beef
00:34:44 – Chiso Simonos
00:46:47 – Japanese Swords
00:52:13 – Eels
00:58:41 – Bonsai Trees
01:04:14 – Longbows
01:11:08 – Calligraphy Brushes
01:20:11- Tiger Fugu
01:25:43 – Iron Kettles
01:36:32 – Matcha
01:47:14 – Matsutake Mushrooms
01:55:04 – Denim
02:06:00 – Porcelain
02:13:50 – Sake
02:31:34 – Soy Sauce
02:44:09 – Olive Wagyu
02:53:12 – Honma Golf Clubs
03:03:28 – Hair Shears
03:13:09 – Credits

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20 Japanese Businesses Making The Most Expensive Products In The World | Business Insider

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