dead lastIn last place, especially by a wide margin, as for a race or other competition. |
Myanmar Armed Forces DayThroughout most of the 1800s, the Union of Myanmar, known as Burma until 1989, was ruled by the British. Aung San, an outspoken student leader, helped the Japanese oust the British, and the Japanese ruled Burma from 1942 until 1945. On March 27, 1945, he helped the World War II Allied forces remove the Japanese from power. Myanmar celebrates Armed Forces Day on March 27 to commemorate the day that Aung San rebelled against the Japanese. The day is celebrated with a military parade and fireworks. Since 1989, the Tatmadaw has made it a tradition to pardon several prisoners on this day. |
The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) |
Today’s topic: soldierbombardier – First denoted a soldier in charge of a bombard, an early form of cannon. More… functional shift – The process by which words change parts of speech without the addition of a prefix or suffix, as in soldier on, the verb, being created from soldier, the noun. More… guerrilla, gorilla – Guerrilla is from a Spanish diminutive of guerra, "war," and refers to a soldier of an independent armed resistance force; gorilla is the ape. More… |