Bringing down sky scrapers’ sky-high carbon footprint with Joselyn Lai from Bedrock

Most skyscrapers have sky-high carbon footprints due mostly to inefficient methods of heating and cooling. Today’s guest, Joselyn Lai is the co-founder and CEO of Bedrock Energy ( , a company that works with buildings to install geothermal systems. They have developed a system to drill the exact amount of boreholes at the precise depth needed to create the most efficient system per building.

Today Dom is joined by a special guest host, TechCrunch Climate reporter Tim De Chant ( .

In this conversation they cover:

• How the company has built up a customer base of urban builders
• Why it’s easy to fundraise when the technology has been proven to be so effective
• Creating clean energy jobs for people who work in oil and gas

(0:00) Introduction

(1:51) Starting Bedrock Energy

(3:59) Closed loop vs open loop systems

(8:16) Building a customer base

(12:50) Working with and around utility companies

(17:08) Clean jobs for oil and gas workers

(21:24) Decarbonizing the built environment

(26:30) Fundraising

(34:58) Host discussion

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